Zharg Culture - The Songs of Zharg - More Hidden Secrets of Zharg There is virtually no culture on Zharg - except, of course, for the wonderful Songs of Zharg. Zharg is often confused with Australia, an island to the North of Tasmania. Zhargis devote most of their education to consuming distilled and fermented juices so that they can live in hope of writing the perfect Song of Zharg in later life. Most Zhargis consider the attempted fulfilment of this dream to be their highest aspiration. Every Zhargi claims to have either written or at least to know each of the very few Songs of Zharg to have been written. They are famous throughout those parts of the Universe which have the ill luck to be close to Zharg. Every detail of each Song of Zharg is discussed and analysed continually as has been the case for innumerable Wednesdays. Were Zhargis to have dinner parties, they would discuss Zhargian songs. Every Zhargi spends at least 40 per cent of his, hers or its money on the Songs of Zharg. The Songs of Zharg are exceedingly tedious. This enhances their appeal to the Zhargis. The Songs of Zharg are known on all other planets to be both completely worthless and a complete load of crap. Zhargis trade in the Songs of Zharg with a highly developed distribution chain and a complex market in Song Futures and Derivates (ZSFD) in which large quantities of future unwritten songs are bundled together and sold to unsuspecting idiots as securities. Zhargis buy these believing they will increase in value. All Zhargis have pension plans based on securities which consist only of the Songs of Zharg. There are very few financially literate Zhargis and for this reason alone, this important part of the Zhargian economy is able to report that it is unspeakably profitable and that all Zhargis are in turn either now or soon will be rich or at least richer than they were at the time they had this thought. During the odd moment that Zhargis actually realize they are spending a substantial part of their income on crap they console themselves with the incredible beauty both of the Songs of Zharg and (perhaps more importantly) of the Zhargian Song Market.
The Songs of Zharg:
The Wheel of Shite On each other which was quite ok for the ones at the top who laughed like hell as brown touts fell from a height onto those at the bottom All changed when the ferris wheel turned slowly round and those above became those below So what goes around comes around Shite on others and they will shite back 7 fold To be sung in the key of F minor while accompanied by the Wrinkled Retainer Jazz Band on the Magic Sea Organ.
The Fifteenth Zhargian Dinner Song Salted cod Total time for cod Longer than amoeba Shorter than a small rock Be a prawn Lay down a nice sediment And be proud of your little shale Later on make an Arab rather rich It's important work being a spawn Prawn but A lobster makes an altogether better class of rich fucker.
Learn about Zharg architecture - it's not an art form,
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